| First, you want as many people as possible to know Ultima, easiest way to achieve this, equip them with the paladin shield, and equip them with the esper Ragnarok. Also, you might want people to have at least 8000 hp, the best way to get this is whenever someone is about level up, equip them with an esper that has a nice hp bonus. Make sure Sabin has bumrush also, very useful. Make sure at least one person is equipped with either the Atma Weapon(full power if available, AKA the person has 9999 hp), the Illumina, or the Ragnarok. The best way to arrange your characters is mediocre then moderately strong, strong, followed by weak, but make sure your weak is too weak, around level 40 is the lowest they should be. When the battle begins, you'll start at the base of a tower-like structure, so pummel away at the enemies with all you've got, have Sabin use BumRush, spell casters use Ultima and Cast Life3 on your strongest people. Also, cast Haste on your slower people. Also, this is the last battle, don't have Shadow hold anything back in throwing weapons. Use the same strategy for the next level, but make sure someone has Life3 cast on them, cause when you beat level two, it will use a devestating attack on you, level three, take out the healer, and you'll do fine, now for Kefka. He can cast high level spells, along with the most devestating attack in the game(aside from Ultima) fallen one, which brings everyones hp to one, make sure you either have a crap-load of Megalixers and Elixers, and lots of MP for use of Cure3. He should fall relatively easily if you have your strongest people still alive, and keep using Ultima, throw and BumRush. | |