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Final Fantasy VI area
The Dragons

Their are 8 dragons scattered about the world, and if you beat them all you get the best esper, Crusader, as follows is thier locations, and small strategies

Narshe:cliff area
Ice dragon: Name says it all, pummel it with fire spells. Also, make sure to head north of its location to find and fight Tritotch, and find Umaros cave, which holds Terrato, and Umaro himself

Phoenix cave:near the end
fire dragon:If you maneuver the switches enough, you can open up the ground around the final treasure chest that holds the phoenix esper. Down there is the Fire dragon, who's main weakness if Ice (obviously)

Mount ZoZo:near end
Wind dragon: press the switch that opens the chest on the cliff, the dragon will emerge and fly about, stay in that spot for abit and he will run into you. Cast Bolt3 on him and use BumRush, just keep pounding away.

Opera house:main stage
Dirt dragon: before you enter this fight,to make it hideously easy, equip everyone with gaia gear, or auto-float equipment, or just cast float while in the battle and all his attacks will be useless. To reach the Dragon, simply enter the switch room, and press the one on the left (I believe) and cast float on yourself. If you are on float, he cannot damage you, just hack away with Ultima, and use BumRush still.

Fantatics tower:room
Pearl dragon:One of the rooms holds this Dragon, Pearl heals him so don't cast it, fight him like you would anyone who has no elemental weakness

Kefkas fortress:different areas
Last three Dragons:The last three Dragons are all scattered about in Kefkas tower, fight them like you did Pearl dragon

While flying about in the WoR, you may run into DoomGaze, an optional boss who automatically casts doom lvl5 on you when you enter battle. To avoid devestation, try to keep your characters off of round numbers if you go looking for him (I.E. 55, 60) A few Ultimas and BumRushes will show him to watch where hes going, and will earn you the Esper Bahamut