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Final Fantasy VI area


This is my final fantasy VI section expect stuff on plots, maybe a walkthrough, and some pics, just gimme some time.

Plot of ffIII/VI
final fantasy VI was realeased as III in America, don't ask me why, they did the same thing to IV. FF6 is about many things, but it mainly follows the battles of Terra, a half esper(magical being), Locke a "treasure hunter" with a mysterious past, Edgar, King of Figaro, Sabin, brother of Edgar, traded the throne for freedom, Shadow, a mysterious ninja, Cyan, a knight of a fallen kingdom, Gau, a strange boy raised on the veldt, the equivilant of the Sarengeti, Celes, an Imperial general who betrayed the Empire, Mog, a fast talking moogle,Setzer, a wandering Gambler,Strago, one of the last Magi, Relm Clyde's daughter (thought so, many people do that is,)who you do NOT want to paint your picture, Umaro, a sasquatch, and GoGo, a person who's face you never see, and who's voice you rarely hear, not even sure if they are male or female. They all band together in the begining to fight the "evil Empire" (sound familiar?) but end up in a more desperate struggle for the survival of the world itself.

Many people believe this to be one of the greatest Final Fantasies, along with V, IV, VII, and the newly released X. With an intricate plot, and a revolationary system of no actual main character, a great battle system, and interesting characters, I recomend this game for any ff lover who hasn't played it, or people who are just starting rpgs.

Interesting facts about FF6: First rpg I ever played, no one knows who or what GoGo is, some people believe it to be Ghestal, or even Daryl, maybe Clyde's partner? the world may never know